2009072801 posted by
こういうメモリ開放系アプリってこれまで使ってこなかったんですが、iPhone OS 3.0になって手動で行うのが面倒くさくなったので、この
MemoryInfoを買ってみました。 115円ナリ。
Runtime memory usage. The iPhone and iPod Touch (device) comes with two types of memory, runtime memory (RAM) and storage memory (Flash). Your device has only 128 MB of RAM which has to be shared by various applications and processes when they are running. Your device has 8 GB to 32 GB of Flash memory which is used for your music, video and application files.
The runtime memory usage is categorized into four categories, Free, Inactive, Active and Wired.
Free memory is available for use whenever applications or processes need them.
Inactive memory is memory that was used by applications or processes but do not need it right away.
Active memory is memory that is currently being used by applications or processes.
Wired memory is memory that is currently used by System processes. This memory is not available to applications.
2009072802 posted by
解放したところ。 うんうん、なんか良い感じ(でもすぐにFreeが半分くらいになっちゃったけど)。
アカネも買いなさいよー♪ 買っておけー♪